lactones of Vitex pubescens and their antileukemic properties", Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2017 Publication pt. The genus vitex. Vitex pinnata L. The objective of the study is to investigate the antihypertensive and vasorelaxant activities of V. Tumbuhan Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) merupakan salah satu kekayaan alam hutan Indonesia yang banyak tersebar di Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Lombok, Bali, dan Sulawesi (K. The alaban plant (Vitex Pubescens Vahl) is a type of tree from the Lamiaceae family. Vitex pinnata is a tree of the family Lamiaceae. 2016 : 3. Tumbuhan laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) banyak terdapat di Kalimantan Barat umumnya digunakan oleh masyarakat dayak sebagai obat sakit perut. Vitex pinnata Linn. pubescens stembarks interfered cell proliferation. Batangnya biasanya tanpa banir dan diameternya dapat mencapai 130 cm, beralur dalam dan jelas,. ) oleh: Endra,. It has antibacterial activity as it consist of active compounds, e. The wood vinegars were produced at three different pyrolysis temperatures, 350, 400, and 450 °C. eksperimen mesokosmos untuk menguji pengaruh limbah serpihan arang alaban (vitex pubescens vahl) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil cabai rawit (capsicum frutescens l. , sapling by Vitex pubescens Vahl, poles and trees by Casuarina equisetifolia. Antifungal and antitermitic activities of wood vinegar produced from Vitex pubescens were evaluated. Planted trees start to flower after 11-12 years in Java. Menurut Kurniawan et al. Universitas PGRI Semarang Bioma : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 12, No 1: April 2023 . Kayu Laban (Vitex pubescens VAHL) dan (Vitex pinnata L) adalah salah satu jenis tanaman hutan dengan sebaran pertumbuhan hampir di seluruh Indonesia, meliputi Jawa, Madura, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Pulau Bangka. Lape yaitu spesies Vitex pubescens Vahl. Th is study was aimed to assess the antibacterial effect of l aban wood infusions against. Dalam rangka gawian lain. View/ Open. Vitex pubescens Vahl grow well in primary and secondary forests and on open lands burnt. ptilota Dop Vitex quinata var. "Pengendalian Jamur Penyebab Busuk Benih Tusam (Pinus Merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese) dengan Asap Cair Kayu Laban (Vitex Pubescens Vahl). circumference trunk. Laban(Vitex pubescens Vahl) Liquid Smoke As Fungi Growth Controller In Pine (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese) Seedling Growth Cerita Bernita Purba, Hasan Ashari Oramahi, Wahdina, Farah Diba Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. 26K) Word count: 3615 Character count: 19046. Vitex pubescens is a Malaysian therapeutic plant employed in traditional drug to remedy a variety of disorders. Tj. Vitex is the largest genus in the family Verbenaceae which comprises 250 species distributed all over the world. ) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli daerah ini, digunakan sebagai obat tradisional oleh penduduk setempat dan dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman penahan kebakaran di areal hutan serta penghasil charcoal. Wood vinegar was made from burning wood meal from “LABAN” wood (Vitex pubescens Vahl). AbstraCT[Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Corn Charcoal Briquettes with Teak Leaves Charcoal] This study is a preliminary study that aims to determine the quality of briquettes from different biomass raw materials, namely corncobs and teak leaves. It. Bendera – Tj. Protobiont (2021) Vol. Manfaat Penelitian Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan dasar ilmiah penggunaan kulit kayu laban sebagai afrodisiaka. Vitex pubescens the synonym is Vitex pinnata L. Background: Vitex pubescens has been used traditionally in hypertension treatment but not yet scientifically assessed. Figure 1: Vitex pubescens. Our phytochemical investigation resulted in the isolation of several constituents and their. f. 8. 2020 : 5. Sifat fisik dan mekanik yang diteliti adalah KA, kerapatan, perubahan dimensi, keteguhan tekan sejajar serat, keteguhan pukul, MOE, MOR, keteguhan geser sejajar serat dan. Info Artikel ABSTRAK Submitted: 06-09-2020 Revised: 28-09-2020 Accepted: 07-10-2020. EFIKASI SUHU PROSES PRODUKSI ASAP CAIR DAN KONSENTRASI ASAP CAIR DARI KAYU LABAN (VITEX PUBESCENS) TERHADAP JAMUR OPHIOSTOMA PILIFERUM. India 4: 585. luthfi mahfuzh: penerbit: universitas lambung mangkurat: tanggal: 2020-06-12: abstrak. pubescens, study its underlying pharmacological mechanisms, and identify the relevant vasoactive compounds. Some species with potential adaptation to drought are Sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L. " Jurnal Hutan Lestari , vol. Tanaman Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl. In Indonesia, there are 19 species of Vites, four of them were found in West Sumatera. , 1753 . People, who live in the villages in WestVitex pubescens ASAL India, Sri Lanka (rare), Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), Indo-China, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Lesser Sunda Islands and the Philippines (Palawan); introduced in tropical Africa and South America. e. Selain itu, penelitian ini dapat menambah referensi mengenai khasiat tanaman obat. Info Artikel ABSTRAK Submitted: 06-09-2020 Revised: 28-09-2020 Accepted: 07-10-2020. Abstract Pengasapan ikan di daerah Riau pada umumnya dilakukan secara tradisional, yaitu mengasap ikan menggunakan asap panas yang bersumber dari. id ABSTRACT The research objective was to determine the influence of traditional timber fumigation of the physical properties of Acacia wood and Laban. It grows slowly, ultimately reaching 20 metres in height with 1–3 m. Download citation file: Oramahi and Yoshimura reported that wood vinegar from Vitex pubescens Vahl inhibited white-rot fungus, T. Roslinda, Emi, et al. pubescens flowers from January-March in the Malay Peninsular, and generally during the rainy season with fruits ripening within a few months. Laban memiliki keunggulan nilai kalor yang tinggi dan pertunasan yang tinggi sehingga dapat menyediakan biomassa dalam waktu relatif cepat. pyrolisis of liquid smoke and efficacy test of liquid smoke as. BIOLOGY V. Name: Pengaruh Variasi. pubescens leaves against ethanol-induced gastric hemorrhagic laceration in rats. Uji Efek Antidiare Ekstrak Etanol Daun Laban (Vitex quinata Lour. The objective of the study is to investigate the antihypertensive and vasorelaxant activities of V. Vitex pubescens is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, up to 25(-30) m tall, often with a crooked bole, up to 70 cm in diameter at breast height; bark surface smooth, shallowly. Br), and Vitex (Vitex pubescent Vahl. pubescens stembarks interfered cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells. 83 g/ml. co. Weinmannia fraxines Smith Kayu merah Cunon. Suryajaya, S. APLIKASI ASAP CAIR DARI KAYU LABAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) UNTUK PENGAWETAN KAYU KARET (Application of Liquid Smoke Vitex pubescens Vahl Wood for Preservation Rubber Wood) Hendra Prawira, H A Oramahi, Dina Setyawati, Farah Diba. 5-5 m tall and stands erect. APLIKASI ASAP CAIR DARI KAYU LABAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) UNTUK PENGAWETAN KAYU KARET (Application of Liquid Smoke Vitex pubescens Vahl Wood for Preservation Rubber Wood) Hendra Prawira, H A Oramahi, Dina Setyawati, Farah Diba. The size of the powder used was 40 mesh stuck in 60 mesh. Taxonomy. In vitro, their ethanol extracts showed high antioxidant capacities with no cytotoxic effects on. pubescent outside; stamens 4, inserted on the corolla tube, exserted, didynamous; ovary superior, 2-4 chambered, with 1 filiform style having a bifid stigma. Vitex pubescens Vahl, Symb. Pres. Macaranga indica, Calicarpa pentandra, and Callerya atropurpurea, respectively 30, 28 and 26 times visits. Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak n-Heksan Korteks Batang Salam (Syzygium polyanthum). This study aims to process and purify ground water and reduce iron content using laban wood (Vitex pubescens Vahl). 1) /Producer (þÿQt 4. Citations of this article. Abstrak: Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl. 74-79 9. It is a slow growing tree, growing up to 20 metres with 1-3 m. (pangkal boyo) dan lain-lain. Homotypic. A PDA dilution method was employed to assay antifungal activity of the vinegars with a white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor and. APLIKASI ASAP CAIR DARI KAYU LEBAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) UNTUK PENGENDALIAN JAMUR PADA BENIH TUSAM (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese) SECARA In Vitro. Tersebar luas di beberapa negara, termasuk India, Semenanjung Malaya, Indonesia, Filipina, dan Thailand. Jenis Kayu Kurang Dikenal Widiati dan Susanto (2005) melaporkan sifat fisik dan mekanik kayu Laban (Vitex Pubescens Vahl. pubescens tree planting technology research is still in its early phase, the species appears to be appropriate to be grown by swidden farmers in West Kalimantan because of its wood and yield qualities. Utilization of unknown species and. The results agnus-castus and. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu true experimental dengan post test only kontrol group design. 5 Figure 2: Leaves material from Vitex pubescens plant. Keanekaragaman merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat menunjukkan keadaan suatu ekosistem tertentu. The treatment of soaking seeds for 15 seconds in boiling water is slightly more effective than soaking the seeds for 24 hours in room waterHasil yang diperoleh dari keseluruhan sampel uji dari kulit kayu alaban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) dengan pengujian senyawa aktif yang bereda yaitu flavanoid, tanin, Baru-Baru Ini Dicari Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan Tag Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan. ((1794)) Classification kingdom Plantae phylum Tracheophyta. Description Its bark is fissured, flaky, and pale yellowish grey to brown. sapub. Tree Species Diversity at Kebon Rojo, Blitar City. One utilization of wood in Karimunjawa can be seen by the number of fish cages made by Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl. PENGENDALIAN JAMUR PENYEBAB BUSUK BENIH TUSAM (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese) DENGAN ASAP CAIR KAYU LABAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) This study aims to determine the effectiveness of liquid smoke from Laban wood for controlling fungi that cause damping off on pine seeds and to determine the optimal concentration and temperature. Vitex pubescens is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, up to 25(-30) m tall, often with a crooked bole, up to 70 cm in diameter at breast height; bark surface smooth, shallowly fissured or flaky, pale grey to yellowish- brown, inner bark pale yellow to bright orange; branches quadrangular, crown often spreading. 2020 0 cited. This study used laban wood powder from the stems, branches and twigs, and tapioca flour as adhesives. We evaluated the antifungal and antitermite activities of wood vinegars produced from oil palm trunk. In order to maintain the vegetation found in the dry areas, people need to look for the alternative plants that resist from the drought stress. Phyllanthus sp is the tree with the second most visited by birds with 51 times visit. ) Akhmad. Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Marga : Vitex Spesies : Vitex pubescens Vahl Gambar 2. The dichloromethane extract of V. Its leaves are scented. (Syn: Vitex pubescens Vahl. pubescens , study its underlying pharmacological mechanisms, and identify the relevant vasoactive compounds. Vitex pubescens is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, up to 25(-30) m tall, often with a crooked bole, up to 70 cm in diameter at breast height; bark surface smooth, shallowly. Pekerjaan sebagai petani dengan. ( ( of animals. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengisolasi senyawa fenolik dari fraki etil asetat daun Vitex pubescens Vahl yang memiliki sifat antioksidan, denganOne of the many traditional medicinial plant species found in West Kalimantan is Laban wood (Vitex pubescens Vahl) which extracts are used to treat diseases. Side effects of chasteberry or vitex include, but are not limited to, headache, nausea, gastrointestinal issues, menstrual disorders, acne, pruritus (itching), and a rash. Karakteristik Responden Masyarakat Dayak Pangkodan yang menjadi responden umumnya berumur ≥30 tahun. ). 25 % SIMILARITY INDEX 18% INTERNET SOURCES 22% PUBLICATIONS %Oramahi et al. The dichloromethane extract of V. Senyawa 3, 4 dan 6 baru pertamakali dilaporkan dari genus Vitex sedangkan senyawa 1, 2, 5 dan 7 sudah disolasi dari beberapa spesies Vitex tetapi baru pertama kali dilaporkan keberadaannya pada kulit batang V. Vitex pubescens is often used as a medicinal cure, particularly in Indonesia. This plant is growing well in tropic and sub tropic region. 5% (v/v) against a white-rot fungus, Trametes. Daun laban (Vitex Pubescens Vahl) digunakan masyarakat tradisional Kalimantan untuk pencegahan berbagai penyakit. 11 Figure 3: Cell types seen in the vaginal smears. Download Citation | ISOLASI BAKTERI ENDOFIT DARI TANAMAN LABAN (VITEX PUBESCENS VAHL) SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri endofit dari daun dan kulit batang. S. e. Some species with potential adaptation to drought are Sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki (L. The leaves are 1-5-foliolate, with petioles that measure 1-3 cm. Laban has the advantage of high calorific value and a lot of buds so it can provide biomass relatively quickly. (Verbenaceae) locally called Halban in the Peninsular of Malaysia has been used traditionally to treat hypertension and gastrointestinal disorders [7, 8]. Kulit dan daun pohon alaban sering digunakan oleh masyarakat Dayak setempat sebagai obat sakit perut dengan cara memakan langsung daun mudanya dan ada juga yang meminum. Received November 1, 2018| Revised December 15, 2018 | Accepted January 15, 2019 1 Introduction Vitex is included in a relatively broad cluster of plants, which consists of 250 species. 1924. 0 /CA 1. The leaflets are sessile and oblong, lanceolate or obovate in shape. This study aims to determine the bioactive compounds in root extracts of Laban from the ethyl acetate fraction to. The purpose of this research is to assess the gastroprotective efficiency of V. The dichloromethane extract of V. 3 Tujuan Penelitian Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : 1. Informasi Dokumen klik untuk memperluas informasi dokumen. id ABSTRACT The research objective was to determine the influence of traditional timber fumigation of the physical properties of Acacia wood and Laban. This study aims to analyze the quality of the charcoal. Description Understorey tree up to 15 m tall and 38 cm dbh. Kualitas Arang Briket Berdasarkan Persentase Aranng Batang Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) dan Arang Kayu Laban (Vitex pubescens Vahl). Nama umum Indonesia: Laban tileng, kalapapa Klasifikasi Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan) Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh) Super Divisi: Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji) Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga) Kelas: Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua / dikotil)Vitex pubescens Vahl. JURNAL TENGKAWANG (2018) Vol. . The test results of DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-Pikrihidrazil) of methanol extract of laban bark showed an IC50The taxon Vitex pubescens β bicolor Kuntze is defined relative to V. Lam ex Leeuwen Vitex turczaninowii forma puberula (H. ) Dubard), Gebang (Corypha utan Lamk. The NAPQI radical is highly electrophilic to hepatocyte biomolecules and is therefore capable of inducing. Laban (Vitex pubescens) has a quite good potential as a provider of quality biomass energy equivalent to the Kaliandra plant (Caliandra callothyrsus) which is very good in the biomass energy field. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukVitex pubescens the synonym is Vitex pinnata L. Media Konservasi. Lihat Juga. Pengujian asap cair terhadap jamur menggunakan media PDA dengan konsentrasi asap cair yang digunakan adalah 0, 1, 2, dan 3% (v/v). 1. ) Dubard), Gebang (Corypha utan Lamk. KAYU LABAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) Inhibition Damping Off Fungi Cause on Tusam Seed (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese) With Liquid Smoke from Laban Wood (Vitex pubescens Vahl) Zefanya Alviolita, Hasan Ashari Oramahi, Farah Diba Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura Jln Imam Bonjol Pontianak 78124 e-mail :. 33 halaman. 33KARAKTERISASI SENYAWA CICERFURAN DARI FRAKSI ETIL ASETAT EKSTRAK AKAR KAYU LABAN (Vitex pubescens Vahl) (Characterization of Cicerfuran Compounds From The Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Laban Root Wood Extracts (Vitex pubescens Vahl)The objective of research was to evaluation the effect of application of liquid smoke from Vitex pubescens Vahl wood to rubber wood to inhibit the subterranean termites Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren attack and to determine the level of concentration and optimum pyrolysis temperature of liquid smoke from Vitex pubescens Vahl wood to. ) Dubard), Gebang (Corypha utan Lamk. pubescens stembarks interfered cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells. Pada tingkat pohon, dengan jenis utama terdiriBerbagai bagian dari tumbuhan Vitex pubescens Vahl (Lamiaceae) ini seperti getah, daun, dan kulit batang telah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional sebagai obat luka, obat diare dan sengatan kalajengking, obat sakit pinggang, obat luka, kanker dan demam. Oleh karena itu, perlu kayu bakar sampai bahan bangunan dilakukan usaha-usaha untuk. Background: Vitex pubescens has been used traditionally in hypertension treatment but not yet scientifically assessed. 2 kapsul 3x sehari Disarankan diminum bersama teh herbal dan mengkudu (lakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah setelah 10. (Vitex pubescens Vahl) dengan nilai kalori 7,220 kal/gram (Rostiwati et al, 2006), sehingga memiliki potensi yang baik untuk dijadikan campuran arang batang Kelapa Sawit, selanjutnya diolah menjadi arang briket yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. 20527/jss. Protobiont (2021) Vol. Si, MSc. Animals were randomly allocated into seven groups and pre-treated, separately, with 10% Tween 20 (normal and ulcer control. 75, the greatest number of shoots develop, these shoots have the largest length increment, and. Genus: Vitex. The results of this research indicate that the type of species laban that used are Vitex pubescens Vahl.